Workshop: Using AI in Community Development Work: Potentials and Pitfalls

Navin Doloswala

Session facilitated by

Navin Doloswala

View Navin's Bio

In this workshop we will be exploring the brief timeline of recent developments in the AI and Large language Models (eg chatbots like ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot and Google’s Gemini).

You will be introduced to the issues and challenges associated with underlying data upon which machine intelligence is based (eg the training data)

We will explore some of the biases and ideological tendencies that exist within Large Language Models.

This will be done in two ways:

  • First through the language that underpins it – the Wordnet lexicon
  • Secondly will explore the biases and ideological tendencies present in Large Language Models and AI systems that is made most visible through an exploration of Image analysis. While these biases are rendered visible it also applies to non visible data and information yet is more challenging to discern.

We will explore the importance of critical thinking, fact checking and verification.

In the second half of the workshop we will explore some of the affordances of large language models (LLMs) and moving beyond that attempting to engage with the capabilities of AI.

We will explore elements of prompting and prompt strategy. The importance of iteration and engaging with large language models to effectively move beyond them.

Session Details

Date/Time: Tuesday, 20 August 2024 | 1.30 PM - 2.25 PM

Location: Broadway Room

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