Workshop: Cost of Living in NSW - NCOSS Research 2024

Ben McAlpine

Session facilitated by

Ben McAlpine

View Ben's Bio

In this workshop Ben will be sharing the findings from NCOSS’ 2024 Cost of Living in NSW research, with a specific focus on the regional findings.

The cost of living in NSW research is something NCOSS undertakes every year with the University of Technology to understand the impact of cost-of-living pressures on people living below the poverty line and low-income households.

This year, NCOSS decided to include a spotlight on low-income households with dependent children aged 0-15.

The purpose of the workshop is to:

  • Share the findings of the research
  • Outline draft insights and recommendations
  • Discuss how this is impacting your communities

Session Details

Date/Time: Tuesday, 20 August 2024 | 1.30 PM - 2.25 PM

Location: Thomas Room

Full Program