Paul Sekfy

Paul Sekfy

Paul has worked in community services since the late 70s starting as a youthworker in Townsville. He has worked in a number of roles including community arts, research and policy, regional development, aged and community care, and community development. Most recently Paul was Coordinator of Nambucca Valley Neighbourhood Centre and Community Development Officer.

He has extensive governance experience in community services, health, the music industry, regional development and festivals. He has worked as a consultant with federal, state and local governments.

Paul has a passion for social justice, community development and, in particular, the need to advocate for affordable and accessible housing.

Paul lives in the Nambucca Valley, New South Wales. He is an active executive board member of local NGOs, including Volunteering Coffs Harbour, Local Community Services Association (LCSA), Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association (ANHCA) and International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres (IFS).

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