Masterclass: Exploring the International Standards for Community Development

Michelle Dunscombe

Session facilitated by

Michelle Dunscombe

View Michelle's Bio

In this masterclass, Michelle will explore how the International Standards for Community Development can serve as a comprehensive guide for practitioners. The session will focus on two key aspects:

  • Identifying outcomes and shaping processes: Participants will learn how to use the standards to collectively define desired outcomes (the destination) and design effective processes (the journey) for community development initiatives.
  • Critical reflection and learning: The standards will be presented as tools for ongoing evaluation, enabling practitioners to critically assess both the process and outcomes of their work, fostering continuous improvement and learning.

The masterclass will demonstrate the versatility of these standards, showcasing how they can be applied by community development practitioners in various ways:

  • Building shared understanding: Participants will gain insights into creating a common language and conceptual framework for community development among stakeholders.
  • Promoting core values: The session will highlight how the standards can be used to reinforce and advocate for the fundamental values that underpin effective community development.
  • Enhancing practice: Practical applications of the standards will be explored, helping practitioners improve their day-to-day work and project implementation.
  • Informing theory and policy: Together we will discuss how the standards can contribute to the development of community development theory and influence policy-making.
  • Shaping learning: The masterclass will explore how the standards can be integrated into practice-based learning experiences and organisational operations
  • Critical Reflection: During the Masterclass we will reflect on what the practice standards might mean for our community development work

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