Workshop: A community development online platform co-designed for Neighbourhood Centres

Michael Hillier

Session facilitated by

Michael Hillier

View Michael's Bio

When striving for positive social change, it's easy to get overwhelmed by paperwork. Community development is complex and dynamic, often reflected in the administrative burden Neighbourhood and Community Centres face.

Whether it's repetitive data entry, switching between multiple software applications, or fulfilling government reporting requirements, the relentless workload impacts staff wellbeing and reduces resources for essential community building.

This workshop will show how we collaborated with the Victorian Neighbourhood House sector to co-design Social Planet, an online community development platform that addresses these challenges.

Using case studies from Bridge Darebin and Wellsprings for Women, we will highlight the development steps and the benefits each Centre has received.

We also want to learn about LCSA members' technology challenges and how we can best help.

Session Details

Date/Time: Tuesday, 20 August 2024 | 2.35 PM - 3.30 PM

Location: Broadway Room

Full Program