Gretchen Young

Gretchen Young

Gretchen is a Gadigal/Eora descendent and prior to locating to Melbourne, lived in Bundjalung country Northern NSW.

In previous roles, Gretchen has worked in primary health and community health settings and worked for many years in the NGO sector leading a large community-based organisation, regional and State peaks. Gretchen was the EO of a sector development organisation in NSW, with a focus on Aboriginal Social Housing tenants. Gretchen is passionate about the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations and self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Gretchen was heavily involved in leaderships roles providing input and advocacy within NSW State Government in relation to early intervention and prevention programs, community development and place-based approaches to community challenges. Gretchen has been involved in the development of numerous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander State workforce strategies.

Gretchen has worked for SNAICC since 2022 and is the Executive Director Programs.

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