Annette Cairnduff

Annette Cairnduff

Annette has more than 30 years leading and working on social change and social impact policy, programs and strategy. Working with young people and encouraging and supporting their purpose, passions and futures has been a strong thread of her work. As well as having worked and led programs in violence prevention, disability services and equity education.

Annette has worked across the non-Government, government and higher education sectors building and co-designing programs and organisations with communities; delivering programs and large scale collaborations across sectors, winning major grants from state and federal governments and philanthropy along the way.

Annette has significant experience in community development, co-design and strategy; working collaboratively with communities at the centre to solve complex problems to make the day-to-day lives of vulnerable people better.

Annette’s qualifications: Dip Ed. BAppSc (HEd). Med.

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